Top 7 Cypress Testing Interview Questions You Must Know

Testrig Technologies
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


With the implementation of technologies like the cloud, DevOps, microservices, and several others the field of software development is changing along with the way applications are tested. This is giving rise to new test automation tools which are now having features of connecting the test life cycle with all the latest technologies, resulting in faster development and deployment of products. One among many of these automation tools is Cypress. The Cypress test automation tool is JavaScript based and is built on Nodejs.

Testrig Technologies brings to you the top 7 interview questions on the Cypress test automation tool.

So let’s have a look at these questions:

1. What is the Cypress tool?

Cypress is a web test automation tool based on JavaScript. Cypress tool is fast and reliable. It is written in Nodejs and helps in executing tests in a browser.

2. How is Cypress different from Selenium and other automation tools?

Cypress and Selenium are both automation frameworks used for web application testing. While Selenium is an established solution, the Cypress tool is getting popularity in the last few years. The Cypress tool supports only JavaScript, while Selenium supports many different languages.

Similarly, Selenium has a huge community base, and the community of Cypress is growing.

3. What are some of the elements of the Cypress project structure?

There are several elements in the Cypress project structure which include:

Fixtures: Test data present in the form of key-value pairs are maintained here.

E2E: Test cases for a particular framework are maintained here.

Support folder: It contains reusable methods or customized commands, which can be utilized by test.

Videos: It contains the recorded video of executed test steps.

Cypress.json: Default configurations of the project are set in this folder.

Package.json: Various dependencies and scripts for the projects are maintained here.

4. What are some of the useful commands in Cypress?

Cypress has a number of commands available that form a part of your script.

cy.visit() — Launches a URL.

cy.getCookies() — To obtain all cookies

cy.wait(1000) — Wait for 1000 milliseconds.

cy.contains() — To obtain an element having a specific text.

Read Also: The Complete Guide to Cypress: Setup and Test

5. What are some of the features of Cypress?

Cypress provides a number of features to its user. Some of which include :

Automatic wait- While, Cypress has the facility to call the wait function explicitly, Cypress waits automatically for the network call to complete before proceeding to the next command.

Less flaky- Cypress tests are less flaky and more reliable compared to the other tools.

Videos and Screenshots- Cypress has the facility to take snapshots of and videos of tests which helps in checking what went wrong while executing the test.

6. Does Cypress support BDD?

With the help of the NPM Cypress-Cucumber-Preprocessor plugin, you can write tests in BDD Cucumber Syntax. Later you need to configure the test files and it will automatically translate the same into Cypress.

7. How does Cypress support Cross browser testing?

Currently, Cypress supports Chrome, Brave, Edge, Firefox, and Electron browsers. Besides Cypress provides integration with several tools like Lambdatest, Browserstack, and others for parallel testing and cloud-based cross-browser testing.


Although it is not possible to cover all the important questions related to Cypress in a single article, we hope these questions will help you to get an edge in interviews related to Cypress.

With numerous features and benefits, the Cypress tool will certainly be the buzzword in the test automation space for some time.

f you require additional information regarding Cypress testing, please do not hesitate to contact us. Testrig Technologies offers Cypress testing services and is pleased to be of assistance.



Testrig Technologies
Testrig Technologies

Written by Testrig Technologies

As an independent software testing company, we provide modern quality assurance and software testing services to global clients.

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